Monday, 24 September 2007

Sapient Citizen

Diligently reading through news each day I have a growing anxiety towards where we are heading as a civilization. Learning more and more about how we not speak to eachother instead of having an open communication makes me weary, tired, sometimes even exhausted. How is it possible we do not even discuss anymore? How are we able to judge people from thousands of miles accross the planet without ever having learned how they grew up and what their thoughts are? Are we different between eachother like the masses believe? Do you think they - wherever you as a reader are - feel the same about us? Can you convey the imagination that maybe they feel, need, hunger and long for the same we actually do? Do you believe that they want the worst to happen to your family? Do you think "they" only want to end our freedom? That they are happy with seeing us to the end? That deep down, they do not feel the need for freedom, peace and liberty? Do you think we are that different them and us? Are we? Are they different animals?

Hah. It sounds like a joke to me, even taking the time to write this down. Yet I feel I need to. I have to communicate in some way to you, the masses. I need to have this heard. Because we are on that highway to hell a lot of us chant about if you ask me. We are creating a self-fullfilling prophecy, where, at the end, we are indeed able to look in the mirror and say: "look, our world has come to an end. Evil has overtaken." The funny thing is, we need only to ask some question. But well... who am I?

I am the sapient citizen.

Then again...

We all should be... and are. Look for it!

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